
Uncovering secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

Uncovering secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

Authentication of artworks, particularly paintings and drawings, is a meticulous process that involves various aspects to…


Milo Lombardo: Painting the soul of our blue world

Milo Lombardo: Painting the soul of our blue world

Milo Lombardo was born in the Midi (in Barletta) a city known for the memorable ‘disfida’….


The encaustic abstractionism of Michael Gavrieli

The encaustic abstractionism of Michael Gavrieli

Once upon a time, there was encaustic painting, an ancient technique based on the use of…


Richard Orlinski’s artworks: investing in emotion and elegance

Richard Orlinski’s artworks: investing in emotion and elegance

In the ever-evolving world of contemporary art, Richard Orlinski stands as a beacon of creative genius…


Million Dollar Harley, art for collectors by Jack Armstrong

Million Dollar Harley, art for collectors by Jack Armstrong

There are few artists capable of attracting the desire of collectors, and among them, one succeeds…


Antonio Murgia: Harmony within Chaos

Antonio Murgia: Harmony within Chaos

Antonio Murgia was born in Sarroch, in the province of Cagliari, Sardinia, in 1956, during a…
